Probari Welcomes Shelia Guenin to the Board of Directors!

“We are thrilled that Shelia Guenin will be bringing her experience and insights to our Board! She understands both the day to day realities of nursing home care, as well as the larger issues facing the industry,” says Dr. Kathleen Unroe, Probari CEO

With over 35 years of experience in long term care, Shelia Guenin has held a variety of positions as an administrator, facility owner, and management consultant. She was the first VP for Long Term Care for Health and Hospital Corporation. For 25 years she also served as former President of Harrin Associates Co. Inc, a management consulting firm where she served Midwest nursing homes and assisted living providers. The Probari team is delighted to add her expertise to our growing company!


“It’s not a supportive system if you are taking up more time”